All the answers to the questions and curiosities about Villa Giulia – Sicilian Luxury Garden are in this article

Hello, I’m Thomas, and today I’ll tell you a little about me and Villa Giulia, do not worry, I will not be prolix.

Quite often my guests during their stay ask me so many questions similar to each other about Villa Giulia and on me, so I decided to share them with you.

That’s the question I get asked most:

“Why did you decide to move to Sicily?”

My answer is that the quality of life is better, here I see the sea every day and with the sun and a good weather days definitely start in a different way. But what I leave out is that, I felt inside of me that it was just a pity to have a place like Villa Giulia and live it only a few weeks a year.

And many people then ask me “What is the story of Villa Giulia?”, and it always causes me a smile and I always answer with pleasure.

Villa Giulia was a house started and never finished, about 10 years ago my father decided to buy this land for his pension and he finished building as you see it today, the merits go mainly to him, I have only “ruined” the programs opening the doors of the house and transforming it into a receptive structure to have guests from all over the world.

An anecdote?

The annex next to the waterfalls that is now for the rich breakfast room was built by my father because my mother needed a place to play cards with friends and so he decided to do it as far away from the house as possible and from where he sleeps . Strange, but is so much fun.

“nother of the most frequent questions was: “Why the name Giulia?”

Giulia is the first granddaughter of the family, I could’nt done otherwise.


Often friends ask me also in what exactly consist of my job.

I answer that I try never to give anything away to my guests and make them feel at home, which means managing everything, starting from reservations, breakfasts, cleaning, laundry and all the works that involves a receptive activity.

I think it’s important trying to satisfy their every need. Here they have the opportunity to switch off from the stress of work and relax surrounded by so much green and less than two kilometers from the sea.

I never try to treat them as “customers” but as real guests and I try to never sa “no”.

Many times they also asked me what is the strong point of Villa Giulia compared to other structures in the area.

I say that here you really have the chance to feel isolated from the outside world, a help to surely this garden cared for in every detail.

At the beginning of the year I was asked what are the good intentions for the new year and I have no doubts:

I don’t want to disappoint anyone but this is always true, so let’s say that my goal is to give more visibility to Villa Giulia, I think that if you deserve it.

If you have any other questions, I will be happy to answer you

Big hug, and I hope to see you soon in Sicily, of course at Villa Giulia – Sicilian Luxury Garden


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